Chapter 1. Introduction

Table of Contents

1.1. The Dynamic Deployment System
1.2. Basic concepts
1.3. Features

1.1. The Dynamic Deployment System

The Dynamic Deployment System (DDS) - is a tool-set that automates and significantly simplifies a deployment of user defined processes (tasks) and their dependencies on any resource management system using a given topology.

In order to execute user tasks, DDS deploys agents. Each agent supports multiple tasks slots and therefore is able to run and watchdog multiple tasks simultaneously. Agent can be deployed using the dds-submimt command.

1.2. Basic concepts


  • implements a single-responsibility-principle command line tool-set and APIs,

  • treats users’ tasks as black boxes,

  • doesn’t depend on RMS (provides deployment via SSH, when no RMS is present),

  • supports workers behind FireWalls (outgoing connection from WNs required),

  • doesn’t require pre-installation on WNs,

  • deploys private facilities on demand with isolated sandboxes,

  • provides a key-value properties propagation service for tasks,

  • provides a simple custom command protocol, to help tasks to communicate between each other and with process outside of the topology,

  • provides a rules based execution of tasks.

1.3. Features