Cdds::misc::INet::_socket2string< _Type > | A template class, which makes a string representation of the socket |
Cdds::misc::auto_setenv | A helper class. Helps to automatically track environment variables |
►Cbinary_function | |
Cdds::misc::SFindName | |
Cdds::misc::stlx::mem_fun1_t< _Result, _Class, _Argument > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseEventHandlersImpl< Event_t > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseEventHandlersImpl< EChannelEvents > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CChannelEventHandlersImpl | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CAgentChannel > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CClientChannelImpl< CAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::internal_api::CAgentChannel | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CServerChannelImpl< CAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CAgentChannel | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CCommanderChannel > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CClientChannelImpl< CCommanderChannel > | |
Cdds::agent_cmd::CCommanderChannel | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::internal_api::CSMAgentChannel | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMIntercomChannel > | |
Cdds::CSMIntercomChannel | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CClientChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CServerChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< T > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseEventHandlersImpl< ECmdType > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CChannelMessageHandlersImpl | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CCommanderChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMIntercomChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::misc::CConditionEvent | Helper class for conditional events |
Cdds::protocol_api::CConnectionManagerImpl< T, A > | Base class for connection managers |
►Cdds::protocol_api::CConnectionManagerImpl< CAgentChannel, CConnectionManager > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CConnectionManager | |
Cdds::intercom_api::CCustomCmd | |
Cdds::misc::CFindCfgFile< _T > | This class helps to find a cfg location with the best match from the given order |
Cdds::misc::CHexView< _T > | This class helps to represent a given container's data as in a HEX viewer |
Cdds::intercom_api::CIntercomService | |
Cdds::internal_api::CIntercomServiceCore | |
Cdds::intercom_api::CKeyValue | |
Cdds::pipe_log_engine::CLogEngine | |
Cdds::CMonitoringThread | |
Cdds::misc::CMutex | A Mutex wrapper. Based on pthread calls |
Cdds::misc::CPIDFile | A PID-file helper |
Cdds::misc::CProcList | This class is used to quarry a list of currently running processes |
Cdds::misc::CProcStatus | This class helps to retrieve process's information from /proc/<pid>/status |
Cdds::protocol_api::CProtocolMessage | |
Cdds::intercom_api::CRMSPluginProtocol | Class implements basic API for DDS RMS plug-ins |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CScheduler | |
Cdds::tools_api::CSession | The main class of the Tools API. It represets a DDS session |
Cdds::misc::CSessionIDFile | |
Cdds::misc::INet::CSocketClient | CSocketClient implements a simple socket client |
Cdds::misc::INet::CSocketServer | CSocketServer implements a simple socket server |
Cdds::CSSHConfigFile | Reads dds-ssh configuration file either from a text file or stream |
Cdds::session_cmd::CStart | |
Cdds::session_cmd::CStop | |
►Cdds::topology_api::CTopoBase | |
►Cdds::topology_api::CTopoElement | |
►Cdds::topology_api::CTopoContainer | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoCollection | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoGroup | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoTask | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoProperty | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoRequirement | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoTrigger | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoVars | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoCore | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoCreator | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoCreatorCore | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopology | |
Cdds::topology_api::CTopoParserXML | |
CCTrigger | Data class to hold task trigger |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CUIChannelInfo< T > | |
►Cdds::commander_cmd::CUIChannelInfo< CGetLogChannelInfo > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CGetLogChannelInfo | |
►Cdds::commander_cmd::CUIChannelInfo< CSubmitAgentsChannelInfo > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CSubmitAgentsChannelInfo | |
►Cdds::commander_cmd::CUIChannelInfo< CTestChannelInfo > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CTestChannelInfo | |
►Cdds::commander_cmd::CUIChannelInfo< CUpdateTopologyChannelInfo > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CUpdateTopologyChannelInfo | |
Cdds::user_defaults_api::CUserDefaults | |
Cdds::ssh_cmd::CWorker | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::DDSChannelId | |
►Cenable_shared_from_this | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CCommanderChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMIntercomChannel > | |
Cdds::agent_cmd::CAgentConnectionManager | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CConnectionManager | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< T > | |
►Cexception | |
Cdds::misc::system_error | The system_error exception class retrieves a string, which represent the last error |
Cdds::misc::HumanReadable | |
►Citerator | |
Cdds::misc::custom_istream_iterator< T, Ch, Tr, Dist > | This custom istream iterator helps to read input line by line without breaking lines after whitespace etc |
►Cdds::misc::NONCopyable | Class which makes child to be non-copyable object |
Cdds::misc::INet::smart_socket | A wrapper for a basic Socket |
Cdds::misc::smart_mutex | A smart CMutex helper |
►Cnoncopyable | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< CCommanderChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< CSMIntercomChannel > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::CBaseSMChannelImpl< T > | |
Cdds::misc::NullType | |
Cdds::misc::stlx::remove_cref< _T > | |
Cdds::misc::stlx::remove_cref< const _T & > | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::SAgentInfo | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SAttachmentDataProvider | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< T > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseRequestData< T > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< T > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SAgentCountResponseData | Structure holds information of agentCount response |
Cdds::tools_api::SAgentInfoResponseData | Structure holds information of agentInfo response |
Cdds::tools_api::SCommanderInfoResponseData | Structure holds information of commanderInfo response |
Cdds::tools_api::SOnTaskDoneResponseData | Structure holds information of onTaskDone response |
Cdds::tools_api::SProgressResponseData | Structure holds information of a done response |
Cdds::tools_api::SSlotInfoResponseData | Structure holds information of slot info response |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SAgentCommandRequestData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseRequestData< SAgentCommandRequestData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SAgentCommandRequestData | Structure holds information of agentCommand request |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SAgentCountResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SAgentCountResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SAgentInfoResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SAgentInfoResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SCommanderInfoResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SCommanderInfoResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SEmptyResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SEmptyResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SEmptyResponseData | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SOnTaskDoneResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SOnTaskDoneResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SProgressResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SProgressResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SSlotInfoResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< SSlotInfoResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< SSubmitRequestData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseRequestData< SSubmitRequestData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::SSubmitRequestData | Structure holds information of a submit request |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< STopologyRequestData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseRequestData< STopologyRequestData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::STopologyRequestData | Structure holds information of topology request |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseData< STopologyResponseData > | |
►Cdds::tools_api::SBaseResponseData< STopologyResponseData > | |
Cdds::tools_api::STopologyResponseData | Structure holds information of topology response - activated and stopped tasks |
Cdds::tools_api::SBaseRequestImpl< TRequest, TResponse > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< _Owner > | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SAgentsInfoCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SAgentsInfoCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SAssignUserTaskCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SAssignUserTaskCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SBinaryAttachmentCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SBinaryAttachmentCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SBinaryAttachmentReceivedCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SBinaryAttachmentReceivedCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SBinaryAttachmentStartCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SBinaryAttachmentStartCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SCustomCmdCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SCustomCmdCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SGetPropValuesCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SGetPropValuesCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SHostInfoCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SHostInfoCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SIDCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SIDCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SProgressCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SProgressCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SReplyCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SReplyCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SSimpleMsgCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SSimpleMsgCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SSubmitCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SSubmitCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SUpdateKeyCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SUpdateKeyCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SUpdateTopologyCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SUpdateTopologyCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SUserTaskDoneCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SUserTaskDoneCmd | |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SBasicCmd< SVersionCmd > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SVersionCmd | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SBinaryAttachmentInfo | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SChannelInfo< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SCommandAttachmentImpl< _cmd > | |
Cdds::SConfigRecord | The class represents a single record of a dds-ssh configuration file |
Cdds::user_defaults_api::SDDSAgentOptions | |
Cdds::user_defaults_api::SDDSServerOptions | |
Cdds::user_defaults_api::SDDSUserDefaultOptions | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SEmptyCmd | |
Cdds::misc::SFileExists< _T > | The SFileExists functor helps to check whether the file by a given full path exists or not |
►Cdds::protocol_api::SHandlerHlpFunc | Helpers for event dispatching |
Cdds::protocol_api::SHandlerHlpBaseFunc< T > | |
Cdds::tools_api::CSession::SImpl | |
Cdds::CSSHConfigFile::SImpl | |
Cdds::intercom_api::SInit | Structure holds information of init notification |
Cdds::intercom_api::SMessage | Structure holds information of message notification |
Cdds::protocol_api::SMessageHeader | |
Cdds::session_cmd::SOptions | Dds-session's container of options |
Cdds::agent_cmd::SOptions | Dds-commander's container of options |
Cdds::commander_cmd::SOptions | Dds-commander's container of options |
Cdds::info_cmd::SOptions | dds-info command line options |
Cdds::custom_cmd::SOptions | Dds-commander's container of options |
Cdds::agent_cmd_cmd::SOptions | Dds-agent-cmd's container of options |
Cdds::submit_cmd::SOptions | Dds-commander's container of options |
Cdds::topology_cmd::SOptions | Dds-agent-cmd's container of options |
Cdds::commander_cmd::CScheduler::SSchedule | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SSenderInfo | |
Cdds::session_cmd::SSessionsSorting | |
Cdds::agent_cmd::SSlotInfo | |
Cdds::commander_cmd::SSlotInfo | |
Cdds::misc::INet::SSocket2String_Trait | A Trait class for _socket2string template. This class operates on a local side of the socket |
Cdds::misc::INet::SSocketPeer2String_Trait | A Trait class for _socket2string template. This class operates a peer of the socket |
Cdds::intercom_api::SSubmit | Structure holds information of submit notification |
Cdds::misc::STimeMeasure< TimeT > | |
Cdds::topology_api::STopoRuntimeCollection | |
Cdds::topology_api::STopoRuntimeTask | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SWeakChannelInfo< T > | |
Cdds::protocol_api::SWeakChannelInfo< dds::commander_cmd::CAgentChannel > | |
Cdds::ssh_cmd::SWNOptions | |
Cdds::misc::ToLower | |
CTopoProperty | Data class to hold topology property |
CTopoProperty | Data class to hold topology property |
Cdds::misc::ToUpper | |
►Cunary_function | |
Cdds::misc::IsDigit | |
Cdds::misc::stlx::select1st< _Pair > | |
Cdds::misc::stlx::select2nd< _Pair > | The select2nd function object takes a single argument, a pair, and returns the pair's second element |